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What Does Wellness Mean?
That you have knowledge of what makes a person well physically, mentally/emotionally, socially, and spiritually, and that you have developed practices for keeping yourself well.

What You Need To Do:
Document regular practices you have developed for maintaining your wellness in at least two of Physical, Mental/Emotional, Social, Spiritual wellness.

Will My Reflection Be Approved?
You provide evidence of a regular practice you engage in to support your wellness in two of physical, mental/emotional, social or spiritual wellness and reflect on how these practices have benefited you.


Guiding Questions

Guiding Questions

Developing new Understanding - Overall, how did this experience develop new understandings/change you as a global citizen?


  • E.g. How have these practices changed your understanding of wellness?



  • What does it mean to be well?

  • What are some regular practices that you have developed in any of the two areas below?

    • physically, 

    • mentally/ emotionally 

    • socially 

    • Spiritually

  • How do you believe these practices have benefited you and changed or shaped your perspective on wellness?

  • Provide evidence (image, video, recording, etc) of your wellness practices, if you can.

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