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Work Experience


What Does Work Experience Mean?
A global citizen shows evidence of providing work of practical value in a professional setting and building skills in a specific trade or profession.

What You Need To Do:
Examine job and career options through an authentic, sustained and meaningful work experience. A sustained period should be at least the equivalent of two weeks of full-time work, with a minimum of one week in any one role. The work experience should happen where they will be held accountable for their work (which might not be the case if, for example, you are working for someone who is related to you).​

Will My Reflection Be Approved?You work for a sustained period in a professional capacity, paid or unpaid, and reflect on what you have learned from the experience.


Guiding Questions

Guiding Questions

Developing new understanding - Overall, how did this experience develop new understandings/change you as a global citizen?


  • E.g. What did you learn from this experience about yourself and the working world?



  • Recount an authentic, sustained (at least 2 weeks full time with at least 1 week in the same job) and meaningful work experience.

  • How were you held accountable for your work?

  • Can you provide evidence of your engagement? What feedback did you get?

  • What skills did you develop and how can this be translated into future actions?  

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