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"NIST's GCD sparked my inner explorer. With each reflection, I journeyed deeper into myself, unveiling stories, passions, and a drive to be a globally responsible individual. The support from NIST fueled my motivation to further explore my identity and passions in high school and beyond."

AJ - Class of 2020
"The GCD provides students with the exceptional opportunity to reflect on their learning in and outside of the classroom. Above all, it allowed me to critically reflect on my approach to learning. In this way, I found the GCD to be an invaluable component of my academic journey at NIST."

Hannah - Class of 2020
"The GCD program at NIST adds a layer of depth to the NIST experience. NIST students engage in various academic and extracurricular experiences. The GCD provides students an avenue to verbalize the impact of these experiences on the ‘core’ of their being and publish their stories - unique learnings from metacognition that transcripts and college application essays cannot satisfactorily encapsulate."

Kenshin - Class of 2021
"GCD has allowed for me to deeply reflect on the experiences I had at NIST. From making college essays easier to write to making me to realize the significance and impact of my actions, the GCD has left a deep impression on my profile as a citizen and student."

Mint - Class of 2023
"Completing the GCD has allowed me to consider the implications of my actions on society rather than just those who I interacted with while doing the activity. Thinking metacognitively has allowed me to better learn who I am as a person. In turn when I apply for jobs, universities, or when I introduce myself in an everyday setting there is a lot more I can discuss because I better understand who I am." 

Aaditi - Class of 2023
"Through the GCD, I grew the habit of being able to reflect deeply upon past experiences, and create a positive feedback loop to grow. While writing the reflection acted as practice for college admissions essays and many assignments to come, I learnt to value my experiences as more than a single occasion."

Rei - Class of 2023
"During my tenure at NIST, the Global Citizenship Diploma (GCD) empowered me to extend my involvement beyond the classroom. Through diverse learning experiences, the GCD heightened my global awareness and fostered metacognitive thinking, inspiring me to make positive contributions to the communities around me."

Ruoyu - Class of 2023
"Earning a GCD diploma demonstrates a strong foundation in various subjects, critical thinking skills, and a commitment to growth. It creates possibilities for reflection of one’s experiences and perception."

Elsa - Class of 2025
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