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Public Communication


What Does Public Communication Mean?
Public Communication means the ability to communicate effectively, ethically, and publicly on issues of personal interest or passion. 

What You Need To Do:
You need to share an opinion or idea in a public forum and reflect on both the transmission and reception of the message.

Will My Reflection Be Approved?
Student prepares and communicates his or her own meaningful ideas and passions through ONE of the following ways:

delivers a speech to a live audience of 20 or more people, lasting at least five minutes.


creating a powerful written or media product and sharing widely through available traditional, digital, and/or social media, gathering an active, engaged audience

...and reflecting on both the transmission and reception of the message.


Guiding Questions


Guiding Questions

Developing new understanding - Overall, how did this experience develop new understandings/change you as a global citizen?


  • E.g. What difference does talking about your personal passions have on how a message is received?



  • Describe an experience when you spoke effectively, ethically and publicly about an issue of personal interest

  • Was it an oral or a written piece and did it meet the criteria of 20 people/ 5 min or gathering an active, engaged audience respectively? (link it)

  • How was your message communicated and how did people receive it? 

  • How do you know that your message was effectively delivered? (Share the feedback you received)

  • Did anything happen that was outside of your control? How did you reconcile with it?

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