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Personal Accomplishment

Area of Expertise

What Does Personal Accomplishment Mean?

Participated and received recognition for achievement on an para-professional level.

What You Need To Do:
Assume challenging, meaningful goals and successfully reach or succeed in those goals.

Document and reflect upon undertaking and accomplishing a significant challenge with positive external effects and external recognition through the use of a thoughtful process.

Will My Reflection Be Approved?
Achieve a substantial personal goal that impacts someone or some organisation beyond themselves and is recognized externally for their accomplishments.


Guiding Questions


Guiding Questions

Developing new understanding - Overall, how did this experience develop new understandings/change you as a global citizen?

  • E.g. How did this change the way you think about your future aspirations and the impact your accomplishments can have?


  • Share evidence of the external recognition you possess on par with adults

  • What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

  • What skills did you demonstrate?

  • How did you manage emotions throughout this experience?

  • How have you used it to have a positive impact on others in your community or beyond?

  • Why is this achievement significant for me?

  • In what ways did this experience/achievement contribute to my personal growth?

  • How has this achievement shaped my aspirations/future decisions?

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