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Featured Teachers



We at NIST believe that all of our community are global citizens. Our GCD Ambassadors and SSC had a great time listening to some of our teachers stories. We loved learning about the spaces that they hold inside and outside our classrooms. We hope you enjoy it too. Let us know who you would like to hear from next! 


Power, Privilege and Politics

Mr Angelo describes the intricate relationship between power, privilege, and politics, deriving new understandings on not only his prior preconceptions on Eastern versus Western political structures, but also a fascinating insight into the relationship between religion and privilege as a male in his patriarchal hometown. He found himself coming to a realization on humankind’s undeserving privilege to create judgement upon others, allowing him to open doors to true openmindedness and a global understanding whilst maintaining a metacognitive lens on what must still be questioned. “Cultures stagnate when disagreements are withheld.” How can we prevent polarization when experiencing cognitive dissonance? Or are we destined to come into conflict when met with opposing ideals?

Sento_Global Understanding_Mr Angelo
00:00 / 17:22

Culture, Communication and Connection


Ms. Malina explains how her work experience in highschool not only helped her determine what she does and doesn’t want to pursue - but also taught her a unique skill set that she still applies to her life today. Her work experience in the field of law helped her to realise her strength in social skills and how she could continue to apply these skills to entirely new fields of work. Up until this work experience at a law firm, she had always wanted to be a lawyer. She found herself enjoying the social interaction of helping people - and combined it with her passion for theatre. Her work experience changed her understanding of her own skills, and what she enjoys, and ultimately led her into becoming a drama teacher. Find out about her journey and how she changed her plans - doing a complete 180.

Ms Malina
00:00 / 25:35

Compassion, Understanding and Interaction.


Ms. Dianne tells Katie all about her remarkable service initiative in Laos, and how it has grown over the years – now an established system enriching the lives of Laotian girls in local communities. Targeting gender empowerment, education and equality through this project, along with countless other causes she has supported at NIST, Ms. Dianne shares her views on service and the key to making a difference. How do you think you can empower others? Or raise awareness on other causes?

Ms Dianne
00:00 / 14:01

Culture, Communication and Connection


Mr Colin explores the complexities of culture and language between living in his home country of the USA and moving to Malaysia. He extracts new perspectives from his experiences teaching at different schools to reflect on how he has an arsenal of strategies to adapt to different environments. In work, he recalls his challenges in overcoming the linguistic barriers and misunderstandings with his parents. This distance also infiltrates his social mindset when trying to create meaningful cross-cultural connections with his Malaysian friends. He bridged the gap by employing habits of mindfulness, patience and empathy when approaching people from different cultures. His brilliant insight can be encapsulated by “At the end of the day, we’re all people. We’re all humans who are fundamentally connected by a sense of belonging, and because of that, we need to all be courteous and kind to one another which can bridge people regardless of language and culture.”  How can we engage more thoughtfully with the people around us? How can we bridge the gap between different cultural perspectives to find common ground?

Intercultural Communication - Mr Colin
00:00 / 18:54

Passion, Connection and Authentic Learning 


Mint, Beatrice and Ms Cindy Chen explored what path led her into her love of service and why she is passionate about our Service work in school. From one dive trip at the age of 14 shaped her love for animals, wildlife and preservation. She makes connections with experts to help her to develop her knowledge of how to take meaningful action. She values a range of opinions and chances to learn in new and varied spaces. How have you been able to impact a community through sustained service and how has that impacted you? 

MS CINDY - Community Engagement
00:00 / 09:27

Risk Taking, Empathy and Discovery. 


Sohani had the opportunity to with Snr. Cristobal  and discuss "intercultural communication".We loved hearing how this has shaped his identity and open opportunities for him in different places around the world. He explores his multiple identities through the 3 languages he speaks fluently. I wonder if you can guess another language that he can teach? How have you communicated across cultural barriers?

Snr Cristobal
00:00 / 13:58

Beauty , Connection and Perspectives 

Mr De Vries describes his experiences diving over the course of 18 years, and the range of biodiversity he has been able to see during that time. He talks about how this activity has led him to a range of different places around the world, and given him a different view, into the effect of plastic pollution. From seeing an increase in beach side areas, but also understanding the profound effect it has on communities. He also talks about how easy it is to say you are helping the environment, while in actuality to help these underprivileged communities, it really requires much more help than the individual visiting can provide. On the other hand, he did say that it is possible to help in small ways, and how as scuba divers we can take these different challenges on. His insight on diving and the profound effect that it has can be summarised by “For me [scuba diving] is a number of things, one it is just the beauty that you see, and the connection that you feel with the earth itself, and life. But it is also a fantastic way to deal with personal challenges…” How can we feel more connected to nature? How can we make sure we are having a positive impact in the places we are visiting? 

GCD PODCAST - Mr De Vries - Scuba Diving
00:00 / 15:17

Balance, Challenge, Adapt and Enjoy

Manika sat with Ms Chantel Marson to talk about how she finds her joy through structure and sports. She finds joy in sports and competitive activities like cross fit, but also uses her journalling to keep mental wellbeing. We loved hearing how she tried to keep herself balances so that she can continue to spark joy in others. What do you do to maintain your wellness? What does being well mean to you?

Chantel Marson
00:00 / 06:53

Advocacy, Empathy, Learning and Equity

Isha and Ms Jac Arce discussed her passion behind advocating for equity. She shares how her own experiences and her husbands different experiences of power and privilege around the world have informed her pedagogy. She has learnt to listen more and ask questions of others to encourage authentic discursive dialogue. She is passionate about opening spaces of equity and engagement. Despite facing some difficulty or backlash, she continues to out in the hard work and try to hold authentic spaces and conversations. What do power and privilege have you noticed in your life? What spaces could you hold?

Jac Arce
00:00 / 16:23

Collaborate, Feedback and Endorphins


Aaditi and Rei talked to Ms Alex Trotter about her passion for choir and singing. She has been singing since she was 9 years old and continued it throughout her life and places that she has lived around the world. She acknowledges her role in an ensemble rather than her as an individual singer. She knows how she has to adapt to different types of choirs. She describes it as inclusive community and effervescent joy? What artistic expression makes you feel this way? What releases your endorphins? What habits do you have that make you an artist?

Alex Trotter
00:00 / 11:12

Football, Greetings, Music and Emoji

Mr Alex Munro explored linguistic and cultural practices with Kenshin. He shared how he uses sports to bridge barriers and languages. He shares his correlation between society and football. Growing up in his British/ Caribbean household in America meant that he had different ways of speaking and behaving than some of his peers so how he negotiated growing up has given him an interest in talking to people authentically. As he moves around the world he aims to immerse and engage in languages and communities through travel and life. 

"People will not remember what you said to them, but they will remember how you made them feel"

Do you see our similarities and differences as barriers? How much do you think that we communicate without words? 

Alex Munro
00:00 / 19:49

Finding Her Voice and a Community


Ms Malikah Sherif and Soroush talked about how she found her voice and passion free from competition. She engaged in the classical education of the style of music. She has been able to take to the stage and radio! She was able to find confidence in herself through challenging herself to do something that was unique to her. We were fascinated by her exploration of the mic voice and live voice.  How do you find yourself as an artist? What do you gain from being an artist? 

Malikah Sherif
00:00 / 17:05

Adventure, Opportunity and Breaking Barriers

Ms. Yu enthralled Ms Jess as she explored the incredible doors that were opened for her through learning English. Ms Yu has an incredible story to tell about travelling the world on a boat for her final semester at college, touring America in a VW and then exploring China when very few could. It is an excellent insight into a world that is not in our distant past, but worlds away from what we see and how we live now. Ms Yu is Fearless and tenacious. What spaces have you been able to explore across linguistic and cultural barriers? How has a different language changed the way you communicate?

Intercultural Communication with Ms Yu
00:00 / 52:40

Why Stories Matter


Mr Tim, Amp and Giorgia discussed how it felt to give a TEDx on a subject of his choice. Within his speech he has explored the role of storytelling and shared how it felt preparing and delivering a speech, that was different to a classroom environment. Giorgia and Amp continued to question the role of stories and the storyteller with us as global citizens. 

How does it feel when you present? Have you ever engaged an audience on a personal interest or passion? 

Public Communication With Mr Tim
00:00 / 23:45

Dance, Community and Freedom

Mr Stratford and Rehana spoke about his love of dancing from break dancing to swing and how he has developed resilience and found joy in not being perfect every time. His love for his dance community has helped him to find more communities where he  feels like he belongs and is able to celebrate the group. He talks about developing different practices as he goes through life and becoming more aware of supporting his spiritual and mental health as well as his physical health.

Intercultural Communication with Ms Yu
00:00 / 52:40

Language, Commuinication and Community


Mr Dan and Parn share their love of language and communication. Mr Dan shared his incredible story of how he was paid to learn Thai. He shares how important it is for him to make mistakes and to feel like you are a part of the community without language barriers. And how he is able to build up a nuance of the language through listening and being aware of the slight changes in the way that people speak in different groups, spaces and communities. 

Public Communication With Mr Tim
00:00 / 23:45
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